
7 truths about indie game development

7 truths about indie game development These posts are indicative of unrealistic expectations by new indies on the business of indie game development. It’s not the first time I’ve seen people go into making indie games thinking that it would make them money immediately. I’ve watched people I know pouring their hopes, money and time into a game that doesn’t sell and then seen them give up shortly after. I've also talked to talented amazing people who have decided not to take the plunge because they are so scared that will happen to them. To be fair stories of success and failure give a confusing picture to people starting out. It seems that either you will become a glorious indie super star or you will fall by the wayside and everyone will point and laugh at your game as the “failure”. It’s either doom and gloom or glory and fame, boom or bust. And there seems to be no one logical reason why it happens to one person and not another, it's often a bunch of reasons that

Games Type

1. Unreal Engine If you’re looking to create a game with AAA graphics without writing a single line of code, look no further. The Unreal Engine 4, while still plenty useful to C++ programmers, has allowed designers to dabble in game making with their ingenious Blueprint system. With Blueprints, no laborious coding is needed. The Unreal Engine has powered mighty franchise games like Tekken 7 to indie gems like Abzu . Previously, the Unreal Engine was only available to game developers with serious cash to burn. Now, you can get your hands on a copy of Unreal Engine 4 for free

Game Development

Indie Games I will point out the sad truth. We have pretty much passed the period where hobbyists could put together a game that would have commercial prospect . It's much more difficult to break in, much less stay in. Right now ... I would discourage anyone. If you want to do a game, do it for fun, but don't try to do game designs to make any money. The odds are so much against the individual that I would hate to wish that heartbreak on anyone